Values & Principles

Customer Satisfaction

Atypical’s customer-centric model offers value to its customers who are the lifeblood of the business. The company exploits all available resources, experimentation, and innovation to offer the highest level of customer experience. Even if briefings are given at the very last minute, we’ll stand by you to help you out.

Promoting the Growth and Happiness of Stakeholders

The values of Atypical are anchored on nurturing an empowering environment that enables stakeholders to flourish and exploit their full potential. A destructive “us versus them” mentality is not part of any of Atypical’s values. Atypical believes in positive and healthy business relationships.

Learn and Grow

Atypical is not limited by ‘not invented here’ thinking and seeks opportunities to learn from new creative ideas, innovation, and invention to catalyze growth. By acknowledging that there is room for improvement, the organization commits itself to continuous learning for growth.

Win-win partnerships

Some businesses have unfair, exploitative, and tense relationships with their suppliers and other stakeholders. This is not the case for Atypical since it respects and advances fairness in its partnerships as part of the interdependent business ecosystem.

Profitability and prosperity for all

Atypical acknowledges that customer satisfaction, happiness, and the company’s financial prosperity should go hand-in-hand.

Think Big and Test

Atypical is driven by the belief that bold bets inspire results. Just get it done and grow.

Accomplishing more with less

Is consistently evident across the company. This is based on the notion that constraints catalyze invention, resourcefulness and self-sufficiency.